Kininaru News: Federal Election in Canada

Canada is having their federal election in January 2006. Finally Paul Martin's minority government fell down and Canadians wil judge if Stephen Harper is ready to be PM or not.

I want to say "gokuro-san" to all MPs for running the campaigne in the worst season of the year. Not only that, but it's the worst time to have an election. National Post was saying that Conservatives could have waited until April when Paul Martin was going to call the election, but they didn't want to wait until the time is "right" for Liberals to call election. Conservatives managed to drag Martin's cabinet down with non-confidence vote, but whether they can win the majority in the Parliament is questionable. Economy is booming despite the high exchange rate --a research from OECD warned parties in Canada not to promise any more tax cut or increase spending, because it will heat up the economy too much. It's funny that OECD is bothered to tell such things to Canadians. I think they thought Canadians would be nice enough to appriciate & ignore it. eh.

And I honestly think Sponsorship scandal is not really "scandal". (Sponsorship scandal: when Jean Chretien was PM, he threw money into bunch of public and private institutions in Quebec to advertise their bonding with Canada --later they found $1million dissappeared or went into someone's pockets) I was watching Colbert Report the other night, and they were comparing the news from Canada and the arrest of Duke Cunningham (Congressman from California who recieved $2.2million as bribe). Colbert mentioned "Canadian Federal Cabinet fell down from the 1.1 million Canadian Dollar scandal --our Duke Cunningham wouldn't even bothered wiping his ass with that money". I think it's so true. eh?