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大学生の時に聞いたGOING STEADYというバンドの「童貞ソーヤング」という歌をふと思い出した。



I'm back!! Finally back in this cold Nishiwaki and I caught cold...

Summary of past 3 months:

  • stuck in Singapore for Christmas & new year
  • gained a bit more weight n tummy

(but also found out that my tummy problem is 胃下垂)

  • Finally, back to Japan!
  • But no plan so far to go out of Nishiwaki... so cold n a bit sick too

But the food at home is the best! Sashimi, buri daikon, oden, nabe, udon, misudo, etc etc... Eat until i get real fat and lose them all in Singapore!!


It's been more than a month since last update. It's been busy and I have no time to sit in front of computer and waste my time after coming back from work any more. It's a sad life. I'm so out-dated about all the interesting and cool stuffs going on on the web, and I'm losing my friends cos I have no time and energy to write them email. Sigh.

Growing baby & tummy

New joiner, Yuna, is growing at rediculous speed. She was TINY when I brought her back from HK cafe, but now she's grown up so much. She couldn't jump on the kitchen counter by herself before, which was very convinient for me because Yuyu always jump up and try to steal others' foods, but man, Yuna can jump up on the counter already. And she's only about 1/2 or 1/3 size of Yuyu.

Also, my tummy is getting bigger. My gf teases me that my chin is getting bigger and making me rounder & fatter. I blame it on chicken rice, mee po, bakute, and chicken wings. Good ocal food is fattening, and non-fattening local food stinks.

Missing & Foud

My cat Yuto got missing about two weeks ago, but miracurously found about 2 days ago. We put poster, made a report to police, asked neighbours and guards to keep looking for him etc etc, and seriously I thought that I wouldn't see him again. But he's back. He didn't seem to lose much weight and his fur was surprisingly clean, so he was probably snatched by someone and kept inside the house. I don't know if the person let him go or Yuto decided to come back by himself; but he seems to be happy to be back here with us. Well, I'm happy.