HG in English Wiki


I had no motivation to do my work today, so I spent my time at computer lab to add some info on Wikipedia's page about Masaaki Sumitani (HG). I basically translated the corresponding Japanese page, but it acutally took me a while. The article had some wrong information, such as "HG made his debut in professional wrestling in 1997". The external link, Mainichi newspaper's article, didn't even have the correct name for HG's partner, RG (Makoto Izubuchi)... I am so dissappointed at Mainichi Shinbun. Having such a newspaper as Japan's only freely-available English paper is just a shame.

I think HG should be popular internationally, and my dream is to see him on HGTV (Home & Garden TV http://www.hgtv.com/ ). Most of my Canadian friends loved his video, so his act can well come across the pacific ocean. Gambare, HG!

(Mainichi Newspaper's article about HG)