aaaaaa accident

I had my first major car accident today. And it's all my fault --very impossible to come up with any excuse. I bumped into the car which was stopping for the traffic light, and I didnt notice neither light or car in front of me. I wasn't speeding too much, so it wasn't too bad --but the air back flashed out and the car that I was driving literally died. The car that I crashed into ---looked pretty bad too. The rear bumper came off, and I don't know if they can still drive that car at all.

Trying to think that I was lucky because nobody got hurt. I didn't kill anybody. Just those cars, which are replaceable.

Yeah,,, but $325 fine definetely hurts. I don't even know how much the car rental company's gonna charge me. I killed the car I was driving, and maybe another one that I bumped into too. Yeah, I bought the insurance when I rented the car --but I have a feeling that I'll be charged at least few grants. which I don't have.

baaaahhhhh nnnooooooooo

Well... At least I didn't kill or hurt anybody... Just those cars... those pricy cars...

any advice?